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Stripe Integration

The checkout experience in Composable UI is pre-integrated with Stripe using the following to enable payments by credit card:

Reference Files

Backend files

  • packages/stripe: This package contains services used to communicate to the Stripe REST API.
  • composable-ui/src/server/api/routers/stripe.ts: This file defines the API routes that allow the frontend React components to consume the services defined in packages/stripe

React Components

  • composable-ui/src/components/checkout/step-2/step-2.tsx: The Step 2 of the Checkout flow brings in the embeddable Stripe Element component to allow up to 25+ payment methods with a single integration.

Integrating Stripe with Composable UI

  1. Create a Stripe account.
  2. Retrieve your API keys from your Stripe dashboard and set the following environment variables:

Ensure that you never expose your Stripe secret keys in the NEXT_PUBLIC_* environment variables or in client-side code. Take the necessary steps to ensure that secret keys are never disclosed to the public.


For more information about the configurations, see the Application Configuration section.

Stripe tRPC Router

The Composable UI frontend uses Stripe endpoints that are built in the tRPC Stripe router. For more information, see the composable-ui/src/server/api/routers/stripe.ts file. This router uses the Composable UI Stripe package packages/stripe to perform a secure server to server communication with the Stripe Payment Intents API.